Before purchasing Funeral Tributes Pro, you should check to make sure that your server meets the technical requirements (listed below) in order to properly support the plugin. To aid in this process, we created a free FTPro Compatibility Checker Plugin that you may install on your WordPress website to ensure that the basic requirements are met. If any requirements are not met, you will need to work with your hosting provider to correct any issues on your server and rerun the FTPro Compatibility Checker Plugin until all the results return successful.

Our recommendation is that you run your site on at least a VPS (virtual private server) or a dedicated server. Shared hosting is not the best solution for a plugin of this nature as it will require more resources and possibly some server configuration that a hosting provider may not be willing to make on a shared server. It is important that you have a hosting provider that will be able to assist you in properly configuring your server if the necessary packages are not already installed.

Technical Requirements

  • Minimum of VPS or greater hosting recommended (Shared hosting discouraged)
  • Linux based server (Windows hosting not tested at this time)
  • Apache 2 Webserver
  • PHP version 7.2 or greater
  • MySQL version 5.6 or greater
  • WordPress version 5.1 or greater
  • PHP GD Library (required for image processing)
  • PHP Multibyte String (mbstring) module
  • CURL PHP Extension (required for donations via Stripe)

Other Requirements

  • Google Maps API Key
  • Stripe Account with API Keys (required for donation option)
  • SSL Certificate (required if donations are enabled, but is strongly recommend otherwise).

FTPro Compatibility Checker Plugin

You can download this simple plugin to help determine if you server meets the minimum requirements to properly run the Funeral Tributes Pro Plugin. While these results are not an absolute guarantee of compatibility, it will certainly catch most major server or configuration issues you may encounter. If potential errors are encountered, it will guide you in the right direction to get these resolved with your server administrator before purchasing and installing Funeral Tributes Pro.


in Pre-Sales
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